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Vintage Buggy Tour

View: 401805/25/2017  

Last Saturday, a group of friends come to our factory and drove our buggy outside. I’d rather say it’s a vintage buggy party. For most of them, it’s for the first time they saw this kind of vehicle and drove it. We chose a route where we usually test buggies. It has very beautiful scenery. We took 4 buggies, turn on the MP3 player and started the tour.


It was a cloudy day, no strong sunshine, so a very comfortable day. We listened to the music, enjoy the beautiful scenery and took pictures.


The climax came when we had to climb a long steep slope. We drove up the slope one by one. One of the drivers was a lady. When she saw the first buggy run up to the top successfully, she volunteered and drove up to the top punctuated with the cheers of all the other people. It was really a nice day.

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